
2018 Pacific Fuel Price Monitor

This report captures Pacific Fuel Price Monitor for 2018 based on an annual average. The review covers the Pacific Fuel prices (source from Pacific Island countries including Australia and New Zealand).

The reports captures:

  • regional retail fuel prices
  • unleaded motor gasoline prices (mogas)
  • automotive diesel oil (ADO) prices
  • kerosene prices and
  • liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)


Kiribati Petroleum Imports 2015 - 2017

The data set provides a summary of Kiribati fuel and LPG imported in the period 2015 - 2017. The Petroleum import data are measured in volumes ( Kilo Litres) and value per year in AUD currency.

Energy Resource Category: 
2015 - 2017

2018 Quarter 1: Pacific Fuel Price Monitor (PFPM)

This report captures the Pacific Fuel Price Monitor for the first quarter (Jan -March 2018). Reviews are based on analysis of Means of Platts Singapore(MOPS), Benchmark Saudi Aramco LPG prices(sourced from 3MCO) and Pacific Fuel Prices on an quarterly average (source from Pacific Island countries).

The report captures:

Publication Category: 

Pacific Fuel Price Monitor 2017

This report captures the 2017 yearly, Pacific Fuel Price Monitor. Reviews are based on analysis of Means of Platts Singapore(MOPS), Benchmark Saudi Aramco LPG prices(sourced from 3MCO) and Pacific Fuel Prices on an annual average (source from Pacific Island countries)

Publication Category: 

Progress report on the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific 2010–2020 implementation plan for the period April 2011 to December 2015

This report is an effort to capture what has been carried out under the ‘Implementation Plan of the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific 2011–2015’. It is an attempt to improve the accountability and transparency of the work of the implementation partners, in highlighting what has been carried out, what were their outputs and what impacts they made.

Keywords - FAESP implementation plan progress report 2015

Publication Category: 

How to read the energy label - Air Conditioners Brochure 2018

The following brochure was developed as part of the Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards Programme in March 2018.

Energy labelling and MEPS for appliances are used in over 80 countries around the world to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emission. Pacific Island countries and territories risked being left behind to become a dumping ground for inefficient appliances, so in 2012 the SPC started a project to help Pacific Island countries set up their own energy labeling and MEPS programmes.

Publication Category: 

How to read the energy label - Refrigerators and Freezers Brochure 2018

The following brochure was developed as part of the Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards Programme in March 2018.

Energy labelling and MEPS for appliances are used in over 80 countries around the world to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emission. Pacific Island countries and territories risked being left behind to become a dumping ground for inefficient appliances, so in 2012 the SPC started a project to help Pacific Island countries set up their own energy labeling and MEPS programmes.

Publication Category: 

Appliance Energy Labels and Standards Brochure 2018

The following brochure was developed as part of the Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards Programme in March 2018.

Energy labelling and MEPS for appliances are used in over 80 countries around the world to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emission. Pacific Island countries and territories risked being left behind to become a dumping ground for inefficient appliances, so in 2012 the SPC started a project to help Pacific Island countries set up their own energy labeling and MEPS programmes.

Publication Category: 

White Paper: Empowering Low Emission Development in the Pacific - March 2018

The RALI Series is a collection of papers developed by the RALI project to share examples of low emission development in practice. The series features case studies, tools, and innovative new approaches in this space, highlighting user benefits and lessons learned. To learn more about the RALI project, visit

Publication Category: 


GN-SEC learning plattform


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