Vanuatu Energy Road Map 2013-2020

Towards a Brighter Future for All A Transformative Sector-Wide Programme

Energy is a fundamental enabler and catalyst for economic development and for enhancing the livelihoods and well-being of all Vanuatu citizens. This National Energy Road Map (“Road Map”) presents the Government of Vanuatu’s comprehensive action plan for developing the energy sector in a systematic, rational, and strategic and sustainable manner over the medium term, for the benefit of all its citizens nationwide.

The Road Map directly responds to the highest priority objectives in the energy sector from a national development perspective, and addresses the key constraints that have held back Vanuatu’s energy sector in the past from delivering affordable modern energy access, efficiently and sustainably to the vast majority of the population. It presents a systematically structured pathway and a balanced multi-prong action plan for implementation, including specific near and mid-term investments (on-grid and off-grid) for expanding access at least cost and renewable energy development, and for energy supply and demand-side efficiency improvements. Investment alone will not be sufficient, unless complemented by timely and effective enabling actions on several other fronts; especially enabling policy, institutional framework, and capacity strengthening.

The Road Map also projects financing requirements for the energy sector implementation program timeframe 2013-2018 (“Prospectus”); comprising specific investments identified to date – from existing studies – and that are part of an overall least-cost access scale-up plan for national development, as well as priority policy initiatives, and targeted capacity building for key sector institutions to enable effective implementation of the NERM

World Bank
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