Urban Household Appliance & Energy Use Survey: Port Villa & Luganville, Vanuatu (2013), Volume 1: Main Report

This report was prepared by the International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) in collaboration with Vanuatu Department of Energy & Meteorology, UNDP Pacific Centre, SPC CCCPIR Energy Component and the Vanuatu National Statistics Office for the Asian Development Bank and the Government of Vanuatu. The survey objectives were  to reduce data gaps regarding residential energy use in electrified urban households and use the information to develop initiatives  to assist households, reduce electrical energy use without compromising the quality of services. After the survey field work was completed, results were used to develop energy efficient residential lighting projects for both urban centres.

keywords: household appliance, energy use survey, Vanuatu, CCCPIR, IIEC

International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC)
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