Tonga Electric Power Board Act [Cap. 93]- 1988 Revised Edition (Commencement 24 October 1949)

Tonga Electric Power Board Act [Cap. 93]- 1988 Revised Edition (Commencement 24 October 1949)

Acts Nos. 9 of 1949, 4 of 1950, 18 of 1950, 12 of 1951, 4 of 1956, 11 of 1956, 8 of 1957, 5 of 1960, 14 of 1960, 3 of 1962, 22 of 1974, 29 of 1974, 7of1975, 3 of 1981, 14 of 1983, 46 of 1988.

An Act to provide for the establishment of the Tonga Electric Power Board for the production, control and distribution of electric power thruoughout the Kingdon; and for related purposes.

This Act may be cited as the Tonga Electric Power Board Act . (Amended by Act 46 of 1988.)

Government of the Kingdom of Tonga
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