STAR Conference Paper - Are Renewable Energy Technologies a Cost effective option for Promoting Rural Electrification in Pacific Island Countries ?

This report was prepared by Allison Woodruff and it was prepared for the 24th Science, Technology and Resources Network (STAR) Conference. This paper examines the potential for renewable energy technologies to promote sustainable development in rural areas in Pacific island countries. The current heavy dependence on imported fossil fuels for meeting the primary needs of countries is examined, as well as rising oil prices and the high costs associated with supplying electricity to rural areas. The potential for renewable energy technologies for providing electricity to meet the basic energy needs of rural households is examined, including the cost-effectiveness of solar energy in Tonga; micro hydro electricity in the Solomon Islands and coconut biofuel in Fiji compared with conventional energy options. The paper concludes that in order to promote rural electrification in the Pacific, policies must place a greater emphasis on the use of renewable energy options.

Allison Woodruff
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