Republic of Palau Statistical Yearbooks

This reports was prepared by the Government of the Republic of Palau.From the years 2002 to 2014 it has the following chapters and they are as follows:

Chapter 1-climate statics, Chapter 2 - population statistics, Chapter 3 - Migration statistics, Chapter 4- Housing statistics, Chapter 5- Labor force statistics, Chapter 6 - crime & offense statistics, Chapter 7- Government Finance & Banking Statistics, Chapter 8- National accounts balance of payments and customer price index statistics, Chapter 9- foreign trade, Chapter 10- Agriculture, Chapter 11 - Fisheries Statistics, Chapter 12- Tourism Statistics, Chapter 13- Education statistics, Chapter 14- Health and vital statistics, Chapter 15- Transportation and communication statistics, Chapter 16- Credit Union Statistics, Chapter 17- Construction statistics, Chapter 18- Foreign Investment Statistics, Chapter 19- Electric Power statistic, Chapter 20-Environmental statistics, Chapter 21- 2003 Palau community survey.

Government of Palau
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