Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) - Vanuatu

The main mitigation contribution is to achieve the outcomes and targets under the National Energy Road Map (NERM) and  Second National Communication (SNC)  extended to 2030. The mitigation contribution for the Vanuatu INDC submission is a sector specific target of transitioning to close to 100% renewable energy in the electricity sector by 2030. This target would replace nearly all fossil fuel requirements for electricity generation in the country and be consistent with the  National Energy Road Map (NERM)  target of 65% renewable energy by 2020. This contribution would reduce emissions in the energy  sector  by 72Gg by 2030. Emissions in this sector were around 130 Gg in 2010 but  are expected to rise to 240 Gg by 2030 (3% per annum).

Vanuatu submitted their Intended nationally determined contributions (INDC) to the UNFCCC Secretariat on the 29th of September 2015.

No further revisions were undertaken and the same document was endorsed and submitted as the First nationally determined contributions on 21st September 2016.

Document downloaded from the NDC registry:


NDC - 

Keywords: INDC, NDC, RE, renewable energy, target, NAMA, mitigation, climate change, adaptation, conditional

Government of Vanuatu
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