Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Brochure - Toward 100% Renewable Energy Islands By 2035 in Fiji

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is an international organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies.

GGGI was established in 2012, at the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, and currently consists of 27 Member countries around the world.

GGGI’s mission is to support the transition of its Member countries toward a model of green growth by developing and implementing strategies that simultaneously achieve
poverty reduction, social inclusion, environmental sustainability and economic growth. By pursuing this mission, GGGI aims to achieve its vision of a resilient world of strong, inclusive and sustainable green growth.

A shared vision for Fiji

As a Small Island Developing State (SIDS), Fiji faces a number of development challenges including vulnerability to external shocks, such as climate change, a high dependence on imported fossil fuels, declining land and marine biodiversity, coral reef degradation, and costly infrastructure and services in urban and rural communities.

The Government of Fiji has recognized the pivotal role that green growth plays in building a sustainable, inclusive and vibrant economy for everyone. In developing the 2014 Green Growth Framework (GGF), Fiji is aiming to lead by example, including taking a world-leading position on climate change as the first country to ratify the UN Paris Climate Agreement, and the first SIDS to undertake the role of Presidency of the UNFCCC negotiations at COP23.

GGGI has assisted Fiji in mainstreaming the GGF into the new National Development Plan (NDP), working in close partnership with the Department of Strategic Planning in the Ministry of Economy. In support of Fiji’s ambitious goal to achieve 100% renewable energy electricity production by 2035, GGGI is carrying out a pre-feasibility study on two Islands, Ovalau and Taveuni, to identify options for this transition. The study aims to help put Fiji more firmly on the green economy map and become one of the first countries to make pro-poor, inclusive green growth in the Pacific islands a reality.

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