Biofuel from coconut resources in Rotuma, a feasibility study on the establishment of an electrification scheme using local energy resources, September 2007

Executive Summary
Located 640 km North North West of Fiji’s capital Suva, Rotuma is Fiji’s remotest island. Disruptions in fuel supply and high supply cost for fuel have triggered interest to develop local coconut resources and other renewable energies. In 2005 an electrification project using coconut oil as a fuel was proposed under the regional Renewable Energy and Energy
Efficiency Project (REEP) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). ADB was unable to fund such a study and Fiji Government (DoE) requested the Pacific Islands Energy Policy and Strategic Action Planning Project (PIEPSAP) to assist in carrying out further studies. In June 2006 it was agreed between ADB, DoE and PIEPSAP to further investigate the feasibility of biofuels and other renewable energy resources. In response, PIEPSAP with support from the European Union- funded project “Reducing Vulnerability of Pacific ACP States” conducted field research on Rotuma and compiled the presented study.

This study has been realised within the framework of the Pacific Island Energy Policy and Strategic Action Planning Project (PIEPSAP) that is funded by the Government of Denmark under the European Union Energy Initiative. The authors would like to express their gratitude to the donor. We would also like to acknowledge the guidance and support
provided by UNDP Samoa, which acts as the implementing agency for the PIEPSAP Project. 

The authors would also like to thank Dr John Fatiaki and his wife Mrs Sineva Fatiaki for their hospitality during our fieldwork on Rotuma. Without their contributions, support and
encouragement this study would not have been possible. We would also like to express our gratitude to the numerous residents of Rotuma who have provided information and support in many ways and who have demonstrated a truly remarkable hospitality during our field research. Lastly we would also like to acknowledge the contributions of Daniel
Fuerstenwerth and Andy Hamm who have shared the findings of their respective renewable energy research with us.

The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed are entirely those of the authors G. Zieroth, L. Gaunavinaka and Dr. W. Forstreuter and should not be attributed in any manner to SOPAC, the Government of Fiji or Rotuman authorities.

Gerhard Zieroth
Leba Gaunavinaka & Wolf Forstreuter
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