Project Related Documents

Tender - Solar Home Standalone (SHS) Systems and PV Cooling Storage Facility for Niulakita/Funafala

Tender document posted on the EDD SPC Website calling for bidders on the supply, installation and commission of the proposed systems in Tuvalu.

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Environmental and Social Management Framework - Tuvalu Energy Sector Development Project

Environmental and Social Management Framework - Tuvalu Energy Sector Development Project. Tuvalu Electricity Corporation (TEC)

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Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Grant to Tuvalu for an Energy Sector Development Project

Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Grant in the Amount of USD 7Million and a Proposed Small Island Developing States Intiative Grant in the Amount of USD 2.1 Million to Tuvalu for an Energy Sector Development Project. Document of the World Bank. 

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Project Document: Maldives Renewable Energy Technology Development and Application Project (RETDAP)

UNDP funded project. The development goal of the proposed project is the reduction of the growth rate of GHG emissions from fossil fuel using activities, particularly diesel power generation through the removal of the major barriers to the development and application of renewable energy-based systems that can supplant part of the fossil fuel use in the Maldives.

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