Request for Bids Plant - Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 1.05 MW (STC) grid-connected PV Solar Facility in Weno, Chuuk

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

 Request for Bids Plant

Design, Supply and Installation

(Without Prequalification)


Employer: Federated States of Micronesia, Department of Finance and Administration (DoFA)

Project: SEDAP - Sustainable Energy Development and Access Project (P165183)

Contract title: Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 1.05 MW (STC) grid-connected PV Solar Facility in Weno, Chuuk

Country: Federated States of Micronesia

Grant No.: IDA-D3970


Issued on: August 21, 2023

  1. The Federated States of Micronesia, Department of Finance and Administration (DoFA)has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Sustainable Energy Development and Access Project (P165183), and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the Contractfor Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 1.05 MW (STC) Grid-connected PV Solar Facility in Weno, Chuuk. “For this contract, the Borrower shall process the payments using the Direct Payment disbursement method, as defined in the World Bank’s Disbursement Guidelines for Investment Project Financing, except for those payments, which the contract provides to be made through letter of credit.”
  2. The Department of Resources and Development now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for the design, supply, installation and commissioning of a 1.05 MW (STC) grid-connected PV Solar Facility in the island of Weno, State of Chuuk, including civil works, supply and installation of PV Stations on elevated structures to maximize land use, electrical works and interconnection with the existing distribution network owned and operated by CPUC.
  3. Bidding will be conducted through international competitive procurement using a Request for Bids (RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers July 2016, Revised November 2017, & August 2018” (“Procurement Regulations”), and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations.
  4. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from:

           Mr. Faustino Yarofaisug, Assistant attn. Mr. Andrew Daka, SEDAP Project Manager, Division of Energy, DR&D, Palikir, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). Possibility to go at                 this address and inspect the bidding document during office hours (9am to 5pm). Emails can also be sent to: 

  and “carbon copy” Central Implementation Unit: for further information

       5. The bidding document in English may be obtained by interested eligible Bidders by requesting them at the address indicated below, indicating the contract title as the email's subject. The interested Bidders will then be provided with a link from where the Procurement documents can be downloaded.

       6. If the Bidder prefers to submit the paper-based bid, it must be delivered to address (1) or if the Bidder prefers to submit the encrypted and protected with password or password-     protected bids by e-mail due to the Post COVID 19 situation, it must be emailed to address (2) below at or before 3:00 PM (Pohnpei Standard Time) on the 10th October, 2023.     

       7. Bids will be publicly opened one hour after the deadline for submission of bids in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at address (1) below or using conferencing facilities (3) as specified below. Late Bids will be rejected.

       8. Attention is drawn to the Procurement Regulations requiring the Borrower to disclose information on the successful bidder’s beneficial ownership, as part of the Contract Award Notice, using the Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Form as included in the bidding document.”

       9. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Securing Declaration.

     10. The address(es) referred to above is (are):

  1. For submission of paper-based bids and physical attending of bid opening:

Florian J. Yatilman, Acting Secretary, Department of Resources & Development

Attn: Mr. Andrew Daka

SEDAP Project Manager

Department of Resources and Development,

Floor/ Room number: Division of Energy

City: Palikir, Pohnpei

ZIP Code: 96941

Federated States of Micronesia

2. For submission of bids through e-mail:

3) For attending bid opening using conferencing facilities:

The procedure of bid opening will be shown via “Zoom” Video Communication without screen sharing but reading out loud the information as in any normal bid opening. The Purchaser will send the “Zoom” meeting link to all bidders who submitted the bids.

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