Executive summary: Pollution and the growing volumes of solid and hazardous wastes are major threats to the environments and sustainable development of the Pacific Islands. Globalisation is accelerating the transition of Pacific communities towards consumer economies, with increasing urbanisation, migration and participation in international trade. This is resulting in an escalation in solid and liquid wastes, more shipping and land transport and more infrastructure and industry throughout the region, which increase the risk of coastal and marine pollution. The lack of controls on imported goods, together with the lack of capacity to manage wastes threatens to undermine the quality and health of vulnerable island ecosystems on which Pacific Islanders depend. Groundwater is particularly vulnerable in atolls, low-lying islands, and coral-based islands, where the permeable substrate increases the risk of pollution from leachates and other waste discharges.
The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) have jointly prepared an initiative to support the implementation of the Regional Solid Waste Strategy and national solid waste management strategies of SPREP Member countries. SPREP is the implementing agency for this AFD initiative and has contracted HYDEA S.p.A (the Consultant) to execute the initiative as well as provide further support to SPREP in coordination of improved regional waste management. The AFD Project will be completed across 3 broad components:
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