
With fossil fuels becoming a major contributor to climate change, Fiji has taken action to ensure that the emissions from vehicles are reduced through the launch of Fiji's first-ever electric vehicle charging network at Kundan Singh Supermarket.

Founder and CEO of Switch Network Alex Reddman says their vision is that Fiji can move towards a more integrated system as the energy systems of before were not smart.

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Report on the expert meetings and training on electric mobility for Bhutanese transport officials in Austria from 5th to 8th September 2022

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Several members of the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC) are speakers at the the 5th High-Level event on the Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa (IDDA III) related to “Accelerating energy access and green transition for Africa´s inclusive and sustainable industrialization”. The hybrid event is scheduled to take place on 23 September from 1:00 to 3:00 PM New York Time, on the margins of the 77th session of the General Assembly.

The global economic crisis has seen inflation take a toll on key sectors across the Pacific, and the regions energy sector has been one of the hardest hit. The case for reducing reliance on imported fossil fuels and transitioning towards sustainable energy sources has never been more pressing.

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Report on the BLOOM cleantech cluster meetings and training for Barbadian experts in Austria, Sweden and Denmark from 6th to 8th September 2022

Since 2018, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), with funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), is implementing the project “Strategic platform to promote sustainable energy technology innovation, industrial development and entrepreneurship” in Barbados, a small island developing states (SIDS) in the Caribbean. 
