Performance Benchmarking for Pacific Power Utilities, December 2011: Baseline year of study - 2010

The data set provided are selected tables extracted from the Pacific Power Utilities Benchmarking Report, published in December 2011. The Pacific Power Association (PPA) with the support of the Pacific Infrastructure Advisory Centre (PIAC) and the Pacific Community (SPC) prepared this report. 

Tables 2.1-2.8 provides a summary of the following:

  • Table 2.1 & 2.2 - Economic and demographic for Pacific Island Countries and territories;
  • Table 2.3 – Summary list of Utility participation in 2011 benchmarking;
  • Table 2.4 – Basic information in terms of installed capacity (MW), gross generation (MWh), maximum & minimum demand (MW), number of customers and employees;
  • Table 2.5 – Utility electricity sales by households, commercial, industry and other this includes government;
  • Table 2.6 –Utility gross generation by source for main grid only in 2010 (MWh) Generation source: Distillate, Heavy fuel, hydro, wind, solar PV, Biomass & biofuel;
  • Table 2.7a, Table 2.7b&c & Table 2.7a-c –  summarised information about utility ownership, policies, power sector legislation, national goals for electrification through renewable energy, regulations that encourage private supply to the grid, and the extend of coverage of each utility’s electrification services.
  • Table 2.8- provides a summary of PICT utility transmission and distribution systems.

The 2011 benchmarking considered a baseline for a series of future benchmarking efforts to be carried out annually, as a mechanism to improve the pool of information available about the region’s utilities and as a tool to assist utilities to improve their technical and financial performance. Below are the list of key indicators summary tables included in this data set:

  • Table 3.1- Lists the key indicators used for 2000 data (reported in the 2002 report) along with goals agreed by CEOs at that time for future benchmarking.
  • Table 5.1 Key indicators compared for 2002 & 2011 Pacific benchmarking reports (2002 report based on 2000 data) (2011 report based on 2010 data);
  • Table 5.2 Key indicators compared for Pacific and other small utilities;
  • Table 7.1 Revised Pacific regional benchmarking indicators and goals for CEOs’ consideration. 
Data Category: 
Performance Benchmarking for Pacific Power Utilities, data set
Keyword Theme: 
Performance Benchmarking for Pacific Power Utilities
Type of Assessment: 
December, 2011

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