Eight sites in Fiji have been collecting long-term wind data with mast heights varying from 10 to 48 metres (m). Ideal wind energy measurements are made at a minimum of 30 m, although 50 m is preferred. Future wind measurement installations are to be all at 50 m. So far, measurements near the grid indicate that Fiji’s wind speeds offer marginal benefits for energy generation compared to the FEA’s historical generation costs. Some sites should be cost-effective for wind power installations given the FEA’s marginal costs for investments in new diesel generators.
PIGGAREP financed wind resources monitoring underway for Upolu and Savaii and resource assessment undertaken for Upolu.
EPC is conducting an ongoing assessment of Samoa’s wind energy potential. Masts for 10 metre and 30 metre measurements were installed at the Afuilo hydro site and at Aleipata on the coast.
The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat’s wind and solar monitoring project is the main long-term data source for Rarotonga wind energy and is used to estimate wind regimes of other islands. At Ngatangila Point, Rarotonga, wind data recovery was 100% during two years of monitoring. The annual average wind speed was 5.5 m/s. The highest hourly and daily averages were 17.7 m/s and 14.0 m/s respectively.