Sub regional

IRENA SIDS Lighthouses Initiative

The report contains IRENA Small Island DEvelopment States (SIDS) Lighthouse Initiative - Progress and Way Forward

IEA Key World Energy Statistics 2021

The report contains International Energy Agency (IEA) Key World Energy Statistics 2021

IRENA Renewable Energy Statistics 2021

The report contains IRENA Renewable Energy Statistics for 2021

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ADB Key Indicators for Pacific 2022

ADB summary tables of Key Indicators for Pacific Islands for 2022

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World Small Hydropower Development Report 2019

The World Small Hydropower Development Report 2019 is jointly produced by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the International Center on Small Hydro Power (ICSHP) to provide development information about small hydropower.

Publication Category: 

Framework for Energy Security and Resilience in the Pacific: 2021 - 2030

The framework focuses on key changes that the Council of Regional Organisations in the Pacific partners including SPC, PPA, SPREP, USP and PIFS - agree to implement so they function as an effective regional partnership for action to adress the Energy Sector Challenges. The framework has two volumes:

i. Volume 1: concise statement of broad principles and procedures to guide the relevant CROP agencies in establishing more detailed policies, actions and goals that are

Publication Category: 

Bicycles for Capitals

The project promotes the productive use of bicycles to decrease vehicle congestion in the capitals of the Cook Islands, Nauru, Niue and Tuvalu, reduce reliance on fossil fuel in the transport sector, improve and promote healthy lifestyles that will contribute to the fight against NonCommunicable Diseases and empower youths through employment opportunities.

keyword: bicycle, capital, NCD

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