This paper provides an overview of key issues involved in the choice among marketbased instruments for climate change policy. Specifically, it examines the potential net benefits from shifting to a permit system for emission reduction, and the preconditions necessary for this change. It also draws out the implications of New Zealand’s specific circumstances and current climate policies for future policy development.
This report captures Pacific Fuel Price Monitor for 2018 based on an annual average. The review covers the Pacific Fuel prices (source from Pacific Island countries including Australia and New Zealand).
Herewith the New Zealnd Energy Supply and Demand for the period 1990 - 2017. It highlights the supply of fuels (total Primary Energy) and demand for fuels to the different sectors namely Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, Industrial and Commercial Transport Residential.
This report captures the Pacific Fuel Price Monitor for the first quarter (Jan -March 2018). Reviews are based on analysis of Means of Platts Singapore(MOPS), Benchmark Saudi Aramco LPG prices(sourced from 3MCO) and Pacific Fuel Prices on an quarterly average (source from Pacific Island countries).
This guide was compiled by the Ministry of Transport, with the assistance of Phillip Tse of Chemie-Tech Ltd. The guide provides an overview. It is not intended as a substitute for the formal Acts, Regulations, Rules, Codes and Standards to which it refers. While it accurately reflects requirements of the Codes, Regulations or Rules referred to at the time of writing (July 2001), it must not be relied on to fulfil
This report was prepared by the ESCAP. This publication was prepared under the overall guidance of Iosefa Maiava, Head, ESCAP Pacific Office. The lead authors were, listed alphabetically, Jillian Campbell, Shaswat Sapkota, David Smith, Helen Tavola, and Timothy Westbury.
This report was prepared by S D Sharma, G J Duffy and J H Edwards of CSIRO Energy Technology for the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) in Japan. The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), an administration and implementation arm of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) in Japan has contracted CSIRO Energy Technology to undertake research on actual and potential renewable energy uptake in South Pacific countries.
Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2014 is one of the most comprehensive studies yet made on the renewable energy price revolution in the power sector. Its findings are striking. Solar photovoltaic (PV) modules in 2014 cost three-quarters less than in 2009, while wind turbine prices declined by almost a third over the same period. The cost of electricity from utility-scale PV systems has fallen by around half since 2010.