PCREEE First Year Progress

Tuesday, 24 Apr 2018

The Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency is to celebrate its 1st Year Anniversary of establishment on Thursday 26th April.

The PCREEE is among the very few regional set up in the Kingdom. It is a collaboration between UNIDO, SPC and the Tonga Government to drive the transformation of the PICTs to economies that are driven by renewable energy and energy efficient technologies.

The Centre was launched in April 2017 as a vehicle for accelerating the transition of Pacific Island Countries and Territories to low carbon and resilient economies that is driven by renewable energy and energy efficient technologies. The Centre has a strong focus on the private sector and industry, while supporting targeted programs to enhance the productivity and competitiveness of key industries with high job leverage in the Pacific (e.g. agriculture, tourism, fishery, manufacturing, creative industry).

The Centre's achievements during its first 12 months includes strengthened regional capacity, regional cooperation & partnerships and its private sector support activities.

For more on the PCREEE's progress and achievements, please refer to the leaflet attached below.


PDF icon PCREEE's Progress.pdf1.66 MB

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PCREEE manager attends ISA workshop

Manager - PCREEE Solomone F


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