
Renewable Energy in Remote Australian Communities (A Market Survey): Final Report

This report presents the results of one of the most extensive field market surveys detailing the use of renewable energy systems in remote area power supplies (RAPS) in Australia. 134 separate remote sites were visited encompassing over 350 separate power and water pumping systems. Householders were questioned to ascertain their attitudes to renewable energy and the installation and maintenance people talked to. 1270 mail-out survey forms were sent out with 260 replies received. The amount of data collected was prodigious.

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2018 Pacific Fuel Price Monitor

This report captures Pacific Fuel Price Monitor for 2018 based on an annual average. The review covers the Pacific Fuel prices (source from Pacific Island countries including Australia and New Zealand).

The reports captures:

  • regional retail fuel prices
  • unleaded motor gasoline prices (mogas)
  • automotive diesel oil (ADO) prices
  • kerosene prices and
  • liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)


2018 Quarter 1: Pacific Fuel Price Monitor (PFPM)

This report captures the Pacific Fuel Price Monitor for the first quarter (Jan -March 2018). Reviews are based on analysis of Means of Platts Singapore(MOPS), Benchmark Saudi Aramco LPG prices(sourced from 3MCO) and Pacific Fuel Prices on an quarterly average (source from Pacific Island countries).

The report captures:

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Guide to Standards - Dangerous Goods

Guide to Standards - Dangerous Goods. Snapshot of Australian Standards and Certification.

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Pacific Energy Paper

The attached paper, by Scott Hook, was written for Ausaid as a background research paper for the 2009 Pacific Economic Survey.  The paper seeks to explore renewable energy challenges in the Pacific by reviewing several case studies.  Energy plays a vital role in contributing to development in the Pacific region.  It is a fundamental input to most economic and social activities and

Publication Category: 

Survey Of Renewable Energy Utilisation and Development Potential In Oceania

This report was prepared by S D Sharma, G J Duffy and J H Edwards of CSIRO Energy Technology for  the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) in Japan. The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), an administration and implementation arm of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) in Japan has contracted CSIRO Energy Technology to undertake research on actual and potential renewable energy uptake in South Pacific countries.

Publication Category: 

Pacific Fuel Price Monitors, 2014 - 2016

Series of Pacific Fuel Monitors produced on a quarterly basis from 2014 - 2015.  Captures:

  • regional retail fuel prices
  • unleaded motor gasoline prices (mogas)
  • automotive diesel oil (ADO) prices
  • kerosene prices
  • liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
  • international market pricing trends
  • regional fuel specification.

Documents are prepared by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community - Petroleum Advisory Service.

Keywords: petroleum, fossil fuel, price, monitor, fuel price monitor, pfpm


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