
PCREEE 7th progress report

This Progress Report marks the Seventh Anniversary of the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) and is the third report under the Second Operational Phase [SOP 2021-2025]. 

PCREEE 6th Progress Report

This Progress Report marks the Sixth Anniversary of the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) and is the second report under the Second Operation Phase [SOP 2021-2025]. The PCREEE continues with its mission as an agency to effectively assist member countries in accelerating the transition to low carbon and resilient economies, driven by renewable energy and energy efficient technologies and businesses in the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs). 

PCREEE Sustainable Energy Entrepreneurship Facility (PSEEF)

The establishment of the PSEEF is to address the challenges in the sustainable energy industry of the PICTs  and help boost the capacity of the local private sector to actively participate in the sustainable energy market and contribute to meeting the nation’s energy policy targets. 

PSEEF is a seed funding dedicated to Programme Area 1 of the PCREEEE Business Plan: 2020-2030. The support will be in relation to the following broad areas:  

PCREEE EV Readiness Programme (PEV ReadPro)

Sustainable mobility offers an alternative to reduce fossil fuel dependency, increase energy security, mitigate climate change effects, and underpin the Pacific Islands’ domestic economies without further harming the environment. The readiness programme aims to cover land transport only while tackling the issue of electric vehicles and other innovative solutions.


PCREEE Business Plan

PCREEE´s Business Plan guides the operations of the centre between 2020 and 2030. PCREEE will focus on four strategic programmes: 

Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) Draft Business Plan 2020–2030

The Second Meeting of Pacific Ministers of Energy and Transport, held from 2 to 4 April 2014, in Nadi, Fiji, endorsed the establishment of the PCREEE as regional centre of excellence. The centre is co-hosted by the Pacific Community (SPC) and the Government of Tonga and operates under the umbrella of the two coordinating mechanisms for the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific – the Pacific Energy Oversight Group (PEOG) and the Pacific Energy Advisory Group (PEAG).


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