Tuvalu Infrastructure Strategy and Investment Plan

This  report  was  prepared  by  Andrew  McIntyre,  Brian  Bell,  and  Solofa  Uota  as individual  consultants  under  the  guidance  and  with  support  of  the  Pacific Infrastructure Advisory Centre (PIAC) in Sydney, Australia. PIAC  operates  under  the  coordination  of  the  Pacific  Region  Infrastructure  Facility (PRIF).The Tuvalu Infrastructure Strategy and Investment Plan (TISIP) represents a country led and prioritized  investment  plan  for  economic  infrastructure  for  the  next  5-10  years.  The  plan identifies the needs and priorities for investments in economic infrastructure and assesses the financial resources to support implementation. The TISIP aims at improving coordination in  planning and financing of infrastructure development and maintenance between national stakeholders and international development  partners  and  to strengthen the capacity of the

Government to plan and manage the development of its economic infrastructure

Government of Tuvalu
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