Quantification of Energy Efficiency in the Utilities of the US Affiliate States (Excluding US Virgin Islands) - Kosrae Utility Authority (KUA)

Quantification of Energy Efficiency in the Utilities of the US Affiliate States (Excluding US Virgin Islands) - Kosrae Utility Authority (KUA). 

KEMA was asked by the Pacific Power Association (PPA) to conduct an energy efficiency study titled: “Quantification of Energy Eff iciency in the Utilities of the U.S. Affiliate States (excluding US Virgin Islands)” for 10 Northern Pacific Island Utilities. Attached in this record are 2 reports:

  1. KUA Final Report - summarizes study results for KUA in Kosrae
  2. KUA Electrical Data Handbook - contain s all the electrical characteristics of the power system high voltage equipment. All relevant data of the high and medium voltage assets, such as generation data, impedances of lines, cables, transformers, and other equipments if exists is provided.

Report was sourced from the PPA Website at the following link - http://www.ppa.org.fj/publication-report/

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