Pacific Lighthouses, Renewable energy opportunities and challenges in the Pacific Islands region - Cook Islands


In the Abu Dhabi Communiqué on accelerating renewable energy uptake for the Pacific Islands (of 13 January 2012), leaders from the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) called on the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) to “…map the Renewable Energy Readiness of the Pacific Islands Countries and Territories to ascertain the status of renewable energy opportunities and identify pathways to close gaps” and to integrate all IRENA activities in the region “…into a coherent roadmap for the Pacific Islands”.In response, IRENA has carried out a wide range of activities of specific relevance and application to the PICTs as well as other Small Island Developing States (SIDS). This work has now been integrated into the IRENA report: Pacific Lighthouses: Renewable Energy Roadmapping for Islands.

The report consists of an overview roadmap framework and 15 island-specific studies on the respective energy situations, and the challenges and opportunities for renewable energy deployment, around the region. These studies are available for the Cook Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of Fiji, Kiribati, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Republic of Nauru, Niue, the Republic of Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, the Kingdom of Tonga, Tokelau, Tuvalu and the Republic of Vanuatu. The IRENA Pacific Lighthouses report draws on those studies, as well as an additional study on a diesel-renewable energy hybrid power system, intended as a transition measure to a renewables-based energy future for the PICTs, which is also part of the series. IRENA, in collaboration with its members and other key development partners, will continue to support the development national roadmaps and strategies aimed at enhanced deployment of renewables in the Pacific and other island states and territories


The work and data for the preparation of this paper was carried out by Herb Wade (Consultant). The kind assistance and support provided by Thomas Lynge Jensen (United Nations Development Programme), Joseph Mayhew (New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Aff airs and Trade), Apisake Soakai (Consultant), Tangi Teriapi (Renewable Energy Development Division, Cook Islands) and Apii Timoti (Te Aponga Uira – TAU, Cook Islands) are gratefully acknowledged. This report could not have been completed without their generous assistance.

The following document was accessed through the following link from IRENA -  

Mirei Isaka (IRENA)
Linus Mofor (IRENA)
Herbert Wade
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