Cook Islands National Infrastructure Investment Plan 2015

This report is published under the auspices of the Cook Islands Government (CIG), with the support of the Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF). The report was prepared under the guidance of the PRIF Coordination Office and with administrative support by the Asian Development Bank. PRIF is a multi-development partner coordination, research and technical facility which supports infrastructure development. The Cook Islands Infrastructure Investment Plan (CI NIIP) outlines the Cook Islands' priorities and plans for major infrastructure over the next 10 years. The plan focuses on strategic investments important to Cook Islands’ future. CI NIIP was assembled through a consultative process involving a wide range of stakeholders, including government, international agencies, civil society and the private sector. The aim of CI NIIP is to identify and prioritise the package of infrastructure investments which best meets Cook Islands' needs in coming years and to plan for the funding and implementation of these investments.

Richard Mabitt
David Hamilton
Bernadette Raffe
Des Eggleton
Carsten Huttche
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