Baseline Study on Opportunities undeer the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

This report was prepared by SMEC for the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat. SMEC International Pty Ltd (SMEC), in association with Baker and McKenzie and Green Pacific Island Services (collectively the Project Team), have been engaged by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (the PIFS) to conduct a Baseline Study on Opportunities under the Clean Development Mechanism in Pacific African-Caribbean-Pacific States (the Baseline Study). The objectives of the baseline study are:

  • to identify and assess potential CDM opportunities in PACP countries that could be of interest to Members of the EU ; and
  • to use the results of this assessments as the basis for a recommendation to the PIFS of whether or not the CDM should be considered in the negotiation of an EPA between the PACP countries and the EU.
SMEC International Pty Lts (SMEC)
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