Legislation and regulation

Cook Islands Dangerous Goods Regulation 1985

These regulations maybe cited as the Dangerous Goods Regulations 1985. Came into force on the 23rd of December 1985.

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Emergency Powers (Fuel Control) Regulations, 1974

These Regulations may be cited as The Emergency Powers (Fuel Control) Regulations 1974.

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Palau Energy Act

Palau signed into law on Friday, February 5th 2015 the Palau Energy Act. An Act to amend Title 37 of the Palau National Code to establish an Energy Administration and provide a regulatory framework for the energy sector and for other related purposes. 

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A Guide to Legislation and Regulation for Minimum Energy Perfomance Standards and Labelling (MEPSL) for Appliances & Lighting

Under the Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards (PALS) programme, several Pacific Island Countries (PICs) are introducing legislation for Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) and Energy Labelling, covering various types of electrical appliances, equipment and lighting. As MEPS and energy labelling are usually implemented together, legislation (and regulations) for this dual purpose are called “MEPSL” legislation in this Guide.

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Resolution for FSM Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Initiatives

A Resolution. 17th Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia. 2nd Regular Session 2011.

Approving the €14,440,000, and €630,000 financial grants to the Federated States of Micronesia, and all the terms and conditions of said grants, from the European Commission for the Economic Development Fund 10, specifically, the North Renewable Energy Project and Technical Cooperation Facility.

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A Bill for an Act - Loan for Pohnpei Utilities Corporation

A Bill for an Act. 18th Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia. 1st Regular Session 2013.

To appropriate the sum of $2,000,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, to loan to the Pohnpei Utilities Corporation, and for other purposes.

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A Bill for an Act - Financial Grant for Public Utilities Fuel Consumption

A Bill for an Act. 16th Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia, 3rd Regular Session 2010.

To appropriate the National Government’s share of $400,000 from the 200,000,000 yen financial grant (or equivalent in US dollars) from theGovernment of Japan for fuel consumption for the public utilities corporations in the states of Chuuk and Pohnpei, and the College of Micronesia-FSM, Chuuk campus, and for other purposes. Sum appropriated is given in the document.

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FSM Sales Tax

Chapter 2 - Sales Tax. Except for goods made or produced in the State a sales tax attaches to goods upon their first sale in the State. The seller pays the tax on all goods in a shipment no later than 120 days after arrival in the State. The State has the power to hold the release of future shipments if the seller is not current on taxes due under the Code and applicable Regulations.

Amended by State Law 7-94. Rates applied on various goods is given in the document.

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Vanuatu, Value Added Tax Act, 2006

Value Added Tax Act. Laws of the Republic of Vanuatu. Consolidated Edition 2006. Commencement: 31 July 1998.

Chapter 247 Value Added Tax. An Act to impose value added tax which will provide a more equitable taxation system and to provide for its collection.

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Vanuatu, Excise (Application and Licence Fees), 2003

Excise (Application and Licence Fees). Commencement: 1 January 2003.
Order 3 of 2003. To prescribe certain application and licence fees.

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