Request for Proposal: Independent Power Producer for Wind Power Generation - 3.8 MWac

Monday, September 30, 2019

Tonga Power Limited invite bids from eligible Bidders to design, fabricate, deliver, install, operate and maintain a 3.8MW (AC) wind power generation system under a Power Purchase Agreement ("PPA") with TPL.

To obtain further information and request a free electronic version of the RFP documents, bidders should contact:

Tonga Power Limited, Procurement Unit
Street Address: Matatoa, Tofoa
City: Nuku'alofa
ZIP Code: 0000
Telephone: +676 786 3224
Electronic mail address: 
Attention: Elisiva Ahotaeiloa


Deadline for Submission of Bids: 30th of September, 2:00 pm (Tonga Time)

Please click here for more information.
Source: Tonga Power Limited 

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