PRIF Consultant

Friday, February 16, 2018

PRIF has opened the selection for a consultant for this project – please see the link below to the ToRs listed in the ADB Consultant Management System which you are welcome to share among your networks.

Also attached is a guide for any consultants who do not currently have a profile registered on the ADB’s CMS system to assist in the process.

Individual consultant selection - private sector investment, government policies and technical aspects of renewable energy generation and distribution.

Deadline for submitting EOI = 16 Feb 2018.


The Consultant will prepare the report, presentation and the Forum event through a PRIF Regional Technical Assistance project. The project involves three phases:

Phase 1 – Preparation of the report

1. desk research and discussions with governments and power utilities in the PICs and collection of preliminary information;

2. in-country missions to 4 or 5 selected countries, particularly those where there are indications of potentially significant private sector investments.  The countries identified by PPA as high priority are:  PNG, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Tonga and FSM. Additional options would include Cook Islands.

3. update the list of private sector investments in the power sector based on inputs from the power utilities; and

4. work closely with PIC utilities, governments and donors to identify and develop project proposals, investor prospectuses, and other related material for planned private sector investment opportunities.


Phase 2 – Collection of suitable material for dissemination

5. develop two to three brief case studies on existing IPPs, to share as part of the PRIF communication of lessons learned, best practice advocacy, and to publish in the PRIF / PSDI series of case studies of private sector participation, and in cooperation with other relevant agencies such as the IRENA Sustainable Energy Marketplace online Pacific Portal.

6. collect relevant tools, templates, model contracts, power purchase agreements, transaction best practice, access to transaction advisory support, case studies, etc, to be submitted to IRENA for inclusion in the online Pacific portal.


Phase 3 – Organise/facilitate the Pacific Islands Energy Investors Forum

7. The consultant will prepare the Final Report to be presented and circulated at the Pacific Power Association Annual Conference to be held in Palau during August 2018, and assist in the organisation of the Investors Forum. The first and second Investors Forum reports, from 2014 and 2016, are available as guidance. The Forum, to be attended by PIC utilities and private sector investors, will act as a platform to exchange ideas and information that could help advance some of the power projects that are identified in the report through private sector investments.

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