PacTVET Consultancy - Motufoua Secondary School Biogas Installation

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Pacific Technical and Vocational Education and Training (PacTVET) Project and the Adapting to Climate Change and Sustainable Energy (ACSE) project: Sustainable community-based biogas schemes for domestic energy and improved livelihoods (Tuvalu) Project would like to invite interested individuals to submit a proposal for the provision of consultancy services to oversee the biogas system installations at Motufoua Secondary School in Tuvalu and train the students and staff on the use and maintenance of the biogas digester systems.

Closing date for submission of proposals is Wednesday 15 August at 12am.

Proposals are to be emailed to Ms Pooja Pal ( and any requests for clarification should be directed to Amelia Siga (

For further information, refer to the attachment below.

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