CTCN/UNIDO Call for Proposals: Technical assistance in Vanuatu

Friday, January 22, 2021

The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) is seeking proposals to provide technical support in preparing the feasibility study for the low emission land transport sector in Vanuatu.

Please see more information in the documents attached below. 

The completed offer must be submitted via the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) e-Procurement portal https://procurement.unido.org

Please note: In the event that your institution is not yet a CTCN network member,  you may bid for implementation of the technical assistance, subject to the condition that you submit your completed application for CTC Network membership before the bid closure and your application is acknowledged by the CTCN. Furthermore, the contract award – should your bid be selected – is conditional to your network membership application having been successfully approved by the Director of CTCN. Should the bidder decide to partner with another institution to deliver the services described in these Terms of Reference, it is expected that the partner institution also joins the CTC Network.

For more information please visit the link: https://www.ctc-n.org/news/new-ctcnunido-call-proposals-technical-assistance-vanuatu 

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