Pacific Fuel Price Monitor - January - March 2019 (Quarter1.2019)

The Pacific Fuel Price Monitor highlights the quarterly average(January - March 2019) Petroleum prices in the Pacific Island Countries inclusive of Australia and New Zealand.

1. Pacific fuel prices at a glance
2. Key observations – Pacific fuel prices
3. Unleaded motor gasoline (mogas) prices
4. Automotive diesel oil (ADO) prices
5. Kerosene prices
6. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
7. Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs) fuel pricing methodologies
8. Glossary

We wish to thank the focal points from respective Pacific Island Countries who has submitted petroleum prices for there respective country that has enable us to produce this article.

Disclaimer: While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the material in this document, SPC cannot guarantee that the information contained in the report is free from errors or omissions. SPC does not accept any liability, contractual or otherwise, for the contents of this report for any consequences arising from its use

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