Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) - Tuvalu

Tuvalu commits to a reduction of emissions of green-house gases from the electricity generation (power) sector, by 100% ie.e almost zero emissions by 2025.  Tuvalu's indicative quantified economy-wide target for a reduction in total emissions of GHGs from the entire sector to 60% below 2010 levels by 2025.  These emissions will be further reduced from the other key sectors, agriculture and waste, conditional upon the necessary technology and finance.

Tuvalu submitted their Intended nationally determined contributions (INDC) to the UNFCCC Secretariat on the 27th of November 2015.

No further revisions were undertaken and the same document was endorsed and submitted as the First nationally determined contributions on 22nd April 2016.

Document downloaded from the NDC registry:


NDC - 

Keywords: INDC, Tuvalu, climate change, renewable energy, target, electricity, generation

Government of Tuvalu
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