Pacific Nama Guidelines

This report was prepared by Murray Ward for the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme. On the one hand, that developing countries should agree to undertake nationally appropriate mitigation actions, reflects the enormity of the global challenge to limit global warming to 2°C (or 1.5°C which is the position of PICs) and that action by developed countries alone will not achieve this. However, rather than representing some potentially burdensome new commitment to take mitigation actions – especially for small vulnerable countries like PICs which must prioritise adaptation – the emergence and evolution of ‘NAMAs’ since the Bali COP can be seen as opening a whole new window of international support for mitigation actions that sit under and fit with these countries’ broader sustainable development objectives.

This initiative develops a set of Draft Pacific Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) Guidelines and trials these guidelines by taking one Pacific Island country through the process of preparing a NAMA and submitting it to the international NAMA Registry. This document provides these draft NAMA Guidelines, in particular the template for preparing and proposing NAMAs in section 3. Subsequent deliverables from this SPREP initiative will include a completed NAMA for the trial Pacific Island country and a full report on the overall project detailing the experience of the implementation of the draft guidelines in this country and setting out any proposed changes to the draft Guideline or its implementation

Murray Ward
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