PCREEE Sustainable Energy Research Support Fund

Tuesday, 27 Feb 2018

The Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) and the University of the South Pacific (USP) have launched its collaboration to support sustainable energy research proposals for Postgraduates, Masters or PhD programmes through the PCREEE Sustainable Energy Research Support Fund.

This 2,500 Euro per selected research intends to invoke unique innovative minds and entrepreneurial skills of PICTs students in tertiary institutions to take part in the effort to enhance the productivity of key industries with high job leverage (e.g. agriculture, tourism, fishery, manufacturing, creative industry) and the creation of a local sustainable energy servicing and manufacturing industry.

One of the Outcomes of the PCREEE is Strengthening the Capacities of the local industry and business sector on various RE & EE aspects through the up-scaling and replication of certified training and applied research programs and mechanisms. One of the outputs for this Outcome is Applied science research networks and technology transfer with high relevance for the local business and industry sector are promoted. This PCREEE research support fund aims to facilitate this output to be of fruition.

More details on the Research Support Fund can be found on the PCREEE's website on the following link:



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