PCREEE – Tonga Chamber of Commerce Private Sector and Business Community Consultations

Thursday, 28 Sep 2017

28th September, 2017 Empowering the Private Sector and the Business Community to be the driver of the sustainable energy development in Tonga is the objective of a one day consultation meeting at the Tungi Collonade at Nuku’alofa on 28th September 2017.

As part of the Paris Agreement and Tonga’s Energy Road Map or TERM, Tonga has adopted ambitious national renewable energy and energy efficiency targets of:

  • 50% renewable electricity by 2020
  • 70% renewable electricity by 2030
  • 9% reduction in electricity line losses by 2020

The above targets are part of Tonga’s contributions to saving the planet from the effects of climate change and are in line with her sustainable development aspirations.  Tonga’s energy targets will cost millions of dollars and these are real commercial opportunities for the local private sector and the business community.

“We are seeing more and more renewable energy and energy efficiency projects costing more than a million dollar in Tonga and we are fortunate to have the Pacific Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) here at Nuku’alofa to support our private sector and business community to be a key player and beneficiary in these opportunities."

The PCREEE is a fine example of regional and international cooperation, as stated by His Majesty in his recent address of the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly, and I look forward for some frank discussions on how the government, PCREEE and the private sector can collaborate to achieve Tonga’s energy targets through a private sector-led arrangement,” said Honorable Poasi Tei - Minister of Public Enterprises and Acting Minister for MEIDECC in his opening of the meeting.

Participating at the meeting are electrical contractors and representatives of key sectors such as agriculture, fisheries, tourism and small and medium enterprises.  They will discuss the challenges faced by these sectors in fully participating in the sustainable energy development of the Kingdom and how can the PCREEE assist their respective businesses.

The workshop is facilitated by the PCREEE and supported by the Tonga Chamber of Commerce and MEIDECC.


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