Vacancy Announcement: PCREEE Administration Assistant

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

RFP No: SPC RFP17/045

Date: 17th May 2017

To strengthen the initial administration team of the Center, the Pacific Community is recruiting an
Administration Assistant (AA) to be based at the PCREEE Secretariat in Nuku’alofa, Tonga. Initially,
the AA will assist in all the Administration, Finance and Secretarial works of the centre and works
alongside a PCREEE team comprising an Interim-Director, a private sector expert, an energy efficiency
/ planner expert, a renewable energy expert, a capacity building expert and an Energy Efficiency
Officer. The AA will report directly to the Interim Director.

Queries or questions are to be emailed to the Procurement section at .​

Proposals should be emailed to with the heading “RFP (17/045) – Administration Assistant – PCREEE, Tonga.” and courier to:
Pacific Community
Procurement Unit – RFP 17/045
Private Mail Bag
Suva – Fiji Islands

All proposals should reach the Secretariat before 4.00pm Suva time, Wednesday 14th June, 2017.​

Further information on PCREEE and the network of regional sustainable energy centers is available at: http://www.sidsdock.org

PDF icon RFP 17 045_final 150517.pdf493.21 KB

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