Knowledge Hub

PRDR-PCREEE Knowledge Hub

The non-availability of reliable and updated quality information and knowledge is a major barrier for the uptake of sustainable energy technology markets. Particularly, in small island developing states (SIDS) domestic key stakeholders (e.g. policy makers, entrepreneurs, project developers, suppliers) have difficulties to access information on latest technology innovations, lessons learned, as well as practical templates and tools. Simultaneously, for international partners it is challenging to access knowledge on the specific conditions and latest developments in these countries. Therefore, under the umbrella of the Pacific Community (SPC), the PCREEE and the Pacific Regional Data Repository for SE4ALL (PRDR) are operating a joint knowledge platform which will be expanded throughout the next years. The platform will contribute to the joint platform of the other regional centers under the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centers (GN-SEC). 



Post datesort ascending Title Countries covered Year Published
Feb 19, 2015 The Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF) - Kiribati Infrastructure Sector Review Kiribati 2009
Feb 19, 2015 Analysis of Energy Consumption at Government Buildings, Kiribati Kiribati 2012
Feb 19, 2015 Energy Concept Paper, Government of Kiribati - Development Partners Forum Kiribati 2014
Feb 18, 2015 Wind Energy Feasibility Study for Kiritimati Island Kiribati 2012
Feb 17, 2015 Kiritimati Island Electricity Sector - Scoping Exercise Kiribati 2014
Feb 17, 2015 Renewable Energy Options for Shipping - Technology Brief Regional 2015
Feb 13, 2015 Kiribati Development Plan 2012 - 2015 Kiribati 2012
Feb 13, 2015 Kiribati National Energy Policy (KNEP) Kiribati 2009
Feb 13, 2015 Kiribati Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) 2012 Kiribati 2012
Feb 13, 2015 Public Utilities Board Visit Report Kiribati
Feb 13, 2015 Renewable Energy Country Profile - Kiribati, 2009 Kiribati 2009
Feb 13, 2015 A Least Cost Analysis of Electricity Generation Options for Kiritimati Island (Draft) Kiribati 2013
Feb 13, 2015 Performance Benchmarking for Pacific Power Utilities report, December 2011: Baseline year of study - 2010 Fiscal Year Solomon Islands, Tonga, Samoa, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Papua New Guinea, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Palau, Federated States of Micronesia, Cook Islands, Nauru, Kiribati 2011
Feb 13, 2015 Biofuel production and refining development at KCMCL Copra Mill Kiribati 2008
Feb 08, 2015 Pacific Energizer Newsletter Issue 11, April 2013 Regional 2013
Feb 08, 2015 Pacific Energizer Newsletter Issue 12, July 2013 Regional 2013
Feb 08, 2015 Pacific Energizer Newsletter Issue 13, October 2013 Regional 2013
Feb 08, 2015 Pacific Energizer Newsletter Issue 14, March 2014 Regional 2014
Feb 08, 2015 Pacific Energizer Newsletter Issue 15, July 2014 Regional 2014
Feb 08, 2015 Pacific Energizer Newsletter Issue 16 November 2014 Regional 2014
Feb 03, 2015 Petroleum and LP Gas Cyclinder Storage Inspection Guideline Regional 2014
Feb 03, 2015 Annex 1 PNG Template Papua New Guinea 2014
Jan 28, 2015 PIGGAREP Quarterly Progress Report 4th Quarter 2010 Regional 2011
Jan 28, 2015 PIGGAREP Quarterly Progress Report 3rd Quarter 2010 Regional 2011
Jan 28, 2015 PIGGAREP Quarterly Progress Report 2nd Quarter 2010 Regional 2011


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