Knowledge Hub

PRDR-PCREEE Knowledge Hub

The non-availability of reliable and updated quality information and knowledge is a major barrier for the uptake of sustainable energy technology markets. Particularly, in small island developing states (SIDS) domestic key stakeholders (e.g. policy makers, entrepreneurs, project developers, suppliers) have difficulties to access information on latest technology innovations, lessons learned, as well as practical templates and tools. Simultaneously, for international partners it is challenging to access knowledge on the specific conditions and latest developments in these countries. Therefore, under the umbrella of the Pacific Community (SPC), the PCREEE and the Pacific Regional Data Repository for SE4ALL (PRDR) are operating a joint knowledge platform which will be expanded throughout the next years. The platform will contribute to the joint platform of the other regional centers under the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centers (GN-SEC). 



Post date Title Countries covered Year Publishedsort descending
Nov 20, 2014 Pacific Energy News (PEN) number 4, November 2000 Regional 2000
Nov 20, 2014 National energy demand/supply database, Marshall Islands, June 1999 Republic of the Marshall Islands 2000
Nov 20, 2014 National Energy Demand/Supply Database: Niue. Niue 2000
Nov 20, 2014 Pacific Energy News (PEN) number 1, January 2000 Regional 2000
Apr 12, 2016 Tonga Feasibility Study Tonga 2000
Apr 15, 2015 Consumer Protection Act 2001 Kiribati 2000
Oct 26, 2018 Concession Contract for the Generation and Public Supply of Electric Power - Malekula Island (Vanuatu) Vanuatu 2000
Nov 20, 2014 Pacific Energy News (PEN) issue 2, October 1999 Regional 2000
Nov 20, 2014 Energy mission to American Samoa, Tonga and Samoa, 19-30 May 2003 American Samoa, Samoa, Tonga 2000
Nov 20, 2014 Wave and wind climate data workshop, 6-10 December 1993 Regional 2000
Mar 31, 2016 GREENPEACE: A Framework for Sustainable Electricity Development in Fiji Fiji 2000
Nov 20, 2014 SOPAC workshop on Photo-Voltaic Pumping (PVP) systems, Suva, Fiji, 21-23 May 1997 Kiribati 2000
Nov 20, 2014 Energy mission to Tonga, 07-11 April 2003 Tonga 2000
Nov 20, 2014 The current status of CCOP/SOPAC energy programmes, a speech presented to the UN-PEDP Ministerial Energy Conference, East/West Centre, Honolulu, August 10 - 12, 1988 Regional 2001
Nov 20, 2014 Wave data collection, Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga, May 1987 - December 1991 Tonga 2001
Nov 20, 2014 Contamination risk assessment from WW II armoury in Iron Bottom Sound, Solomon Islands Solomon Islands 2001
Nov 20, 2014 The Regional Institutional Wood-fired Stoves Project in the Fiji Islands, Kiribati, Tonga and Tuvalu (an evaluation of Phase II/Stage one), June 2001 Fiji, Kiribati, Tonga, Tuvalu 2001
Nov 20, 2014 Preliminary results of contamination risk assessment from WWII, armoury in Iron Bottom Sound, Solomon Islands, March 1999 Solomon Islands 2001
Nov 20, 2014 The results of a reconnaisance survey into the energy potential and development prospects of wave energy reaching the blowholes area along the south coast of Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga Tonga 2001
Nov 20, 2014 The national energy supply/demand database manual, Tuvalu, February 2001 Tuvalu 2001
Mar 04, 2015 Samoa Public Finance Management Act 2001 Samoa 2001
Nov 20, 2014 Cook Islands training attachment report, 20-31 October 2001 Cook Islands 2001
Nov 20, 2014 Tuvalu wave energy programme, 19-22 November 1991 Tuvalu 2001
Nov 20, 2014 National energy supply/demand database, workshop report, Fiji Islands, April 10 - 14, 2000 Fiji 2001
Nov 20, 2014 Water and sanitation project, visit to Kiribati, 21 - 24 January 1995 Kiribati 2001


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