Manager - Pacific Centre Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Thursday, June 28, 2018

PCREEE Manager

The Manager – Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency will operationalise and ensure the effective functioning and integration of the Centre’s institutional set up, governance and technical programme with SPC’s, and those of related national, regional and global institutions and processes.  Under the oversight of the Deputy Director of GEP, the manager will be responsible for the Centre’s operations and its work programme, including budgetary expenditure and financial performance.  The manager will also coordinate and lead staff management and development as well as overseeing the recruitment of staff. Support the delivery of project outputs at the national level for the USAID funded regional project: Institutional Strengthening to Support Pacific Islands Countries to Adapt to Climate Change (ISACC).

The key responsibilities of the role include the following:

  • Regional Collaboration, Coordination and Communication: establish regular policy dialogue and consultations with national, regional, international partners and the private sector.
  • Technical cooperation and services: provide high-level technical advice and expertise, build strong technical partnerships between the Centre and other related institutions in the region at international levels…
  • Leadership and Management: develop and implement a work plan for the PCREEE along with annual work plans that support the result framework of SPC, Implement a work plan for the establishment and operation of the centre…
  • Resource mobilisation and financial management: contribute to, drive and support mobilisation initiatives with funding agencies and advocate for long-term funding support for the work of the Centre among the donor community, Ensure that the Centre’s financial resources are sufficient to maintain core operations…

For a more detailed on the job, please refer to the following link:

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