JOB VACANCIES - Tonga Power Limited: 1. Design & Planning Manager & 2. Project Manager

Monday, October 21, 2019

Tonga Power Limited is a Public Enterprise responsible for the generation, distribution and supply of electricity to consumers in Tonga. Applicants are invited to apply for the positions of Design and Planning Manager and Project Manager with the Tonga Power Limited Office at Lakalakaimonū Building of Matatoa, Tofoa.

The Design and Planning Manager reports directly to the CEO to provide budgeting, design and business planning services in the development and optimization of the distribution business. 

The Project Manager will report directly to the Major Projects Manager to provide oversight, coordination, management support and technical expertise for all aspects of construction projects including battery storage, wind generation, solar generation, and network and control projects. 

Detailed job descriptions will be available upon request from the Human Resource Department at Head Office.

To be considered for the Design and Planning position, it would be beneficial that the applicant has a Bachelor in Electrical Engineering, Geospatial Technology, GIS, or Asset Management with minimum of five years’ experience in a similar role or a recognised qualification with at least 10 years’ experience in the Electricity Industry.       

The successful applicant for the Project Manager position must have at least a Bachelor in Engineering, Science, or Project Management with minimum of five years’ experience in a similar role.   

Please submit your application with a cover letter in English expressing your interest in the proposed work, enclosing your latest police clearance report, CV, certified copies of academic transcripts and certificates, and at least three references and one of them from your current work Supervisor or Manager.  

Remuneration will depend on experience and performance.

All enquiries must be made directly and all job applications must be sent and/or delivered in person to our Human Resource Team or by email at or mobile number 772-0003 during working hours from 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. Any applications to deliver in person must be marked “HR VACANCY” and addressed to:

Chief Executive Officer
Tonga Power Limited
P.O. Box 429

Closing date for applications is Monday, 21st October, 2019. Applicants that are considered will be interviewed.

For more information please click here.
Source: Matangi Tonga Online

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