Vanuatu National Energy Dialogue Opens

Tuesday, 03 Sep 2019

2 September 2019, Port Vila Vanuatu. “The private sector can play a key role in closing the current gap in achieving the energy and GHG mitigation targets of Vanuatu”, said Mr Robson Siro, the 2nd Political Adviser to the Minister of Climate Change when opening the Vanuatu National Energy Dialogues at Port Vila on Monday 2nd September 2019.

Vanuatu’s Updated National Energy Roadmap 2016 - 2030 for Vanuatu has an ambitious target of reaching 100% renewable energy by 2030 which also correlates to the National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP) 2030 which prioritises electricity generation from renewable energy sources and increase access to safe, reliable and affordable modern energy services for all and reduce reliance on imported fossil fuels.

The Vanuatu Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) for Vanuatu further underscores the emission reduction target of achieving close to 100% renewable energy by 2030. Vanuatu is currently at 18%.

“There is work to be done to achieve these targets and the participation of the Private Sector is the key” said the Minister’s representative, Mr Siro.

“The gap between 18% - 100% over a period of 10 years represents promising employment and business opportunities for the Vanuatu communities and I am glad the Pacific Community with its centre of excellence on renewable energy and energy efficiency is on hand to assist in realising these opportunities for our youths, women and communities”, said Ms Mia Rimon, SPC’s regional director for Melanesia.

The workshop is held at the Vanuatu National Provident Fund Conference Room and is jointly organised by the SPC’s Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) and the Ministry of Climate Change through its Department of Energy with the aim to:

  1. To discuss the current status of Vanuatu’s energy roadmap and GHG mitigation targets
  2. To identify business, employment and other co-benefits arising from pursuing Vanuatu’s energy and GHG targets
  3. To discuss and agree on key measures for accelerating progress on Vanuatu’s energy and GHG targets and how they could be financed
  4. To discuss and agree on a whole-of-country approach to pursuing Vanuatu’s energy and GHG targets
  5. To formulate a Sustainable Energy Consortium for Vanuatu
  6. To reaffirm Vanuatu's support and commitment to work with SPC-PCREEE on new project initiatives

 The workshop will continue during the week with various themes for each day and on Friday afternoon the NERM Review and Implementation Plan will be launched at the Ministry of Climate Change by the Minister responsible for Energy.

About Us:

The PCREEE is hosted by the Pacific Community (SPC) at Nuku’alofa, Tonga and is a regional entity working specifically to accelerate the Pacific Islands’ transition to renewable energy and energy efficient economies. The centre is part of wider SDG-7 multi-stakeholder partnership which aims at the establishment of a network of regional sustainable energy centres for small island developing states (SIDS) in Africa, Caribbean, Pacific and Indian Ocean. 

For further information, contact the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) on (+676) 25209 or the Vanuatu Department of Energy (DoE) on (+678) 25201.

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