Tonga's energy efficiency future discussed at workshop

Wednesday, 19 Feb 2020

More than 40 participants representing government departments, private sector and other relevant organisations are taking part in a workshop to discuss the Tonga Energy Efficiency Master Plan in Nuku’alofa this week.

Organised by the Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change and Communications (MEIDECCC) and the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE), the workshop is an opportunity for stakeholders to have input into the plan before it goes to cabinet for approval.

Acting Chief Executive Officer of the MEIDECCC, Dr. Tevita Tukunga said it was important that as many people as possible have a say as to how Tonga might be able to achieve the policies and projects suggested in the master plan.

“We want a practical plan which stakeholders are willing to support, commit to and implement, rather than a plan for a plan’s sake,” Dr. Tukunga said.

Among the ideas proposed are improving infrastructure and safety to encourage more people to walk and cycle, improving bus services and other public transport services, and adding energy efficiency requirements to building standards.

Manager of the PCREEE, Solomone Fifita said Tonga needs to include energy efficiency in the transport sector in its carbon emission reduction strategies.

“There was excellent discussion today and some good ideas put forward. These will be fleshed out over the next two days.”

The draft Tonga Energy Master Plan was supported by the United Nations Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), an operational arm of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Technology Mechanism.

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