Promoting sustainable energy entrepreneurship in the PICTS: A south-south capacity building exchange facilitated by SPC and supported by the NZ and US governments; Suva, Fiji, 2-6 October 2017

Friday, 06 Oct 2017

The PCREEE has a strong focus on the private sector and industry while supporting targeted renewable energy and energy efficiency programs to enhance the productivity of key industries with high job leverage (e.g. agriculture, tourism, fishery, manufacturing, creative industry) and the creation of a locally sustainable energy servicing and manufacturing industry. 

Under the NZ-supported South-South capacity building exchange and the PCREEE’s capacity development support to the private sector, training on the Promotion of Sustainable Energy Entrepreneurship was conducted by the PCREEE in Suva, Fiji on 2 – 6 October 2017. 

Objectives of the exchange were to enhance local business capacity and expertise in sustainable energy and increase investments and job opportunities in sustainable energy. 

The purpose of the exchange was to promote entrepreneurship and private sector investment in sustainable energy in the participating countries.

Below is the link to the details of the exchange on the SPC's PRDR website:

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