New Zealand company completes solar project in Cook Islands

Wednesday, 24 Jul 2019

New Zealand company Infratec has completed a $US10.8 million Asian Development Bank project to deliver reliable renewable energy to four islands in the southern Cook Islands.

Over the past two years Infratec has designed and delivered solar mini grids and new underground network distribution systems on Atiu, Mangaia, Mauke and Mitiaro.

Infratec Chief Executive Greg Visser said the four solar plants were now providing clean, reliable and affordable energy to almost 1500 people - or about 9 percent of the Cook Islands' population.

The solar panels, which are backed by battery storage, will meet about 95 percent of the islands' energy needs, he said.

Previously the islands relied on diesel generators so the solar units mean savings of about 360,000 litres of diesel and 960 tonnes of CO2 emissions.


For more information please click here.
Source: Radio New Zealand

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