Ground Breaking Ceremony for Tonga TOP40 milllion Wind Farm Froject

Friday, 14 Sep 2018

TONGA 14th September, 2018 - His Majesty King Tupou VI marked the beginning of the work on Tonga’s largest wind farm project worth over 40 million pa’anga in a ground breaking ceremony this morning at Niutoua Village.

Dubbed as the 1.3 MW Wind Power System, the project is part of Japan’s grant aid to Tonga. The new system once completed is expected to cover approximately 8 percent of Tonga’s electricity supply.

Ambassador of Japan to Tonga H.E. Mr. Tetsuya Ishii said, “This Wind Power Generation System will be Japan’s first-ever Wind Power Generation project under our grant aid scheme, and it is Japan’s second major project in the field of renewable energy in Tonga, following the Solar Generation Facility.”

He stated that the system together with the solar generation will help Tonga reach its goal by achieving 50% renewable energy by 2020.

Mr. Ishii explained that the system consisted of two major components; 5 windmills and the Grid Stabilization.

Specific national energy targets include:

- 50% of electricity generation from renewable sources by 2020, 70% by 2030, and 100% by 2035
- Improve energy efficiency like reduction of electricity line losses to 9% by 2020 and
- 100% access to electricity by 2020

More on this story can be found here.

Source: Ministry of MEIDECC online portal

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