The PCREEE is pleased to welcome Ms Annie Marie Malolo who is on a 6 months internship
with the PCREEE that started on 14 th November 2024. Ms Malolo is a Graduate of the
University of the South Pacific, majoring on Information Systems and Geography. She is a
keen Taekwondo enthusiast and loves to do further studies on climate change.
At the PCREEE, Ms Malolo will work in:
Energy Data Analysis and Presentation
The PCREEE website maintenance and visibility
Sustainable Energy Profiling
“It’s an honour to get an internship opportunity with the Pacific Community, as the largest
and oldest regional technical organisation in the Pacific Islands, and more particularly, to
work under its PCREEE”, said Ms Malolo.
“It’s good to see more Pacific Islands graduates taking up the internship opportunity that is
available through the PCREEE. We earlier had interns from Austria, Australia and NZ and
this is the second Tongan to take up the opportunity. We look forward to future Interns from
the other member countries of the Pacific Community,” said Solomone Fifita, Manager-